Tuesday, February 6, 2024
€396 million for 171 new green projects in Europe !
ArticleCircular Economy

The European Union accelerates its FUNDING
Empowering EU Member States, the LIFE Programme allocates €396 million to projects promoting nature, circular economy, climate action, and clean energy transition.
The European Commission announces a €396 million funding for 171 new LIFE projects across Europe, mobilizing a total investment of over €722 million through the program's co-funding requirements, representing a 28.5% increase compared to last year. The LIFE Programme, at the heart of the European Green Deal, aims to make the EU carbon-neutral by 2050. This year's funds will finance projects in almost all EU countries, covering nature, biodiversity, circular economy, quality of life, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and transition to clean energy.
Find below the link to the article in question as well as the link to all the new LIFE projects.